Why clothing not rendering?

Hello Everyone!

I was making some clothes that i finished recently for a render, but i have a problem…

As you can see, the clothing (shirt) is not being rendered
This is the clothing template:

And this is how it looks when i publish it (as a decal):

EDIT: I tried uploading the same image 3 times, with different names, and no result…

Why does this happen, and how do i solve it?
Thank you!

It looks like you didnt fill in the whole template.

It seem’s to me you found that shirt template on google, it looks very much like the old one.

That is not the problem, the shirt directly doesn’t renders at all, if the problem would be that the template is old, the shirt will render, but not correctly.

It shows this:
Maybe it was just denied by a moderator? That symbol next to the text signals that it was denied.

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The shirt template is misshapen, try trimming the shirt template to make it. In other words, the id may be wrong so the character isn’t good.

What do you mean by “misshapen” ?

It seems that the shirt was moderated and denied. I suggest using the new shirt template and changing the shirt up a tad bit and re-uploading.


The old template worked when i inserted the shirt, but after a couple of minuites, it suddenly disappeared

This method worked… for now…

Good to hear. Update me if it changes. :slight_smile: