warned for guns? soo they’re saying that using guns is illegal? idk i never posted guns in the toolbox. i never had guns in any of my games as-well, did roblox get arrested for using a gun? or did they see someone getting arrested for a gun?
Questions: Will you get banned for uploading more guns like P90?
Due to recent events, firearms regulations have been getting more strict in the US, to the point where digital spaces are involved (Looking at you apple that replaced the gun emoji), so yeah no more depictions of any firearms OUTSIDE experiences.
The question is will this affect FPS games in the future? Developers will likely delete “threatening” weapons like assault rifles if gun laws tighten (This is total speculation). The involvement of digital places in this is ridiculous. These are two distinct realms, and I’m not sure how the internet is connected to this. Nobody can kill you online unless you’re playing a first-person shooter game, and you can survive forever. In the real world, you only live once. So I don’t see why the “regulations” needs to involve digital spaces like gaming into this besides social media, that’s a whole different story.