Why did this ad get deleted all of a sudden?

Our ad has been running for several days and got deleted just as we put 30k Robux into it, with no explanation why. This is the second time this has happened with a different ad.

Here is the ad in question:

We got no explanation and lost 30k Robux + any we would have gained from the ad.


probably the word hell i dont see anything else wrong


Maybe the Ad was considered as ā€œinappropiateā€, but as seen it wouldnā€™t make sense at all.

Iā€™m not sure if AI or real people control the Ads, but maybe it was something on the ad, or whatever it was linked to.

Perhaps, there is a way you could solve this. Try contacting roblox with the Support - Roblox, it usually helps with a lot of things. If this doesnā€™t help, then I have no clue what could, good luck!

But the word isnā€™t used in any curse-wordy sense, itā€™s to describe a difficulty.


I think it could be the colors on the background, maybe they form something similar to a flag or something that roblox considers Inappropiate, but as I donā€™t know if AI or real people control that, I donā€™t have any other idea on that.

I actually saw this ad myself while it was up

The only thing I see wrong with this ad is the word ā€œhellā€ but even that word is allowed on Roblox so itā€™s pretty ridiculous that they would take it down. Itā€™s probably just a flaw in moderation.

obviously, the word: ā€˜hellā€™
also nice dco

its bot moderation. it does that.

It might be also the word ā€œlunaticā€, I donā€™t know if Roblox has any rules against this or stating someoneā€™s sanity.

The top three seem like a little much.

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Probably the world hell or lunatic.

My guesses would be the word lunatic and/or hell may be the reason. Another reason could be that the color scheme looks very similar to the pride flag. Not sure how true this is, but Iā€™ve heard some moderation goes down in India, a much culturally diverse place to where other players are from. Another theory could be that there isnā€™t much explanation going on the ad itself. Just a list of words ranging from each other. This could be a religious thing, but Hell is listed on the top, indicating itā€™s up. Most people believe Heaven is up there. But idk lol.

If you think the ad was taken down wrongfully, you should use the links (https://devforum.roblox.com/g/Mod_Review_Requests) or [Support - Roblox]