This topic is a bit self explanatory, but I am getting “Unreads” From posts from a long time ago.
Is this an issue that I didn’t read the full thread or something?
It because you either posted their made the topic or is following someone who replied there.
No, I haven’t posted because that would be a bump. My point is I receive alerts from posts there BEFORE I joined the dev forum
Do you follow anyone that has posted there or replied?
No, And besides I wouldn’t be getting alerts(because it is in the past)
I only follow @TheAmazeman , and he posted in none of them.
It might be due to the fact that you might have something set in Settings or on an original post/topic that you have it set to: Watching Topic(s).
^ An example of what it looks like at the bottom of every topic, maybe you have that set to Watching everytime with the setting you have enabled?
EDIT: I think that there is a discourse feature that if someone replies to an topic that you’ve replied to for weeks/months/years and notifies everyone if I recall correctly.
You don’t link any posts so this is hard to debug.