Hello developers,
I check my console every once in a while in my game, and I keep seeing this error, it says there is a HTTP 400 bad request? I checked that specific line, and it’s the filtering thing.
How the script (that has the error) works is by, getting the string to get filtered, which is a string a player put, onto their leaderstats.
LeaderstatsEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, namebox)
local stringvalue = player:WaitForChild("leaderstats"):WaitForChild("Glove")
local message = namebox
local filteredMessage = game:GetService("Chat"):FilterStringForBroadcast(message, player)
if namebox == "" then
stringvalue.Value = "N/A"
stringvalue.Value = filteredMessage
Are you sure “namebox” isnt nil and a string is actually being passed? Thats probably what would cause an HTTP 400 error – maybe try printing the message to make sure it’s not invalid in some way