Why do my group game's premium payouts disappear?

Ok so… I have a game that is owned by a group. How come all the premium payouts that I should be getting are not going into the group fund at all or even my profile for that matter? When I check the developer stats, it says that I’ve been earning, but I can’t find them.

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Don’t you have to wait 30 days?

Yes but some premium players had played 30 days ago and I still have not gotten anything. None in the group funds, none on my profile, nothing.

You will have to wait 3 days for the funds to officially go into your group. If you check Sales, you will (most likely) see your Premium Payout profits in Pending Sales.

That’s another thing, I don’t. :confused:

Perhaps maybe one of the members of your group have distributed these funds? Check the audit log.

I am the only one with that power, and also I checked anyway… still nothing.

Then one of these things happened (im not sure, just based on what I know):

  1. ROBLOX has a problematic bug (not likely).
  2. You haven’t received any funds leading to the group (more likely).

Sorry I couldn’t be of much help.

I’m sorry but could you elaborate on #2? I don’t understand what you mean.

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For #2, I meant to say you haven’t received any premium payouts to start with, or they are in process of being actual group funds.

Is your game paid access? 30 characters

No it isn’t paid access ccccccc.