Why do rods swing?

On my basketball hoop, I have a rim and then a net made of rods connected to the rim. of course, there are quite a few parts so that the collisions will work with the rods. But, why do the rods swing for like… ever? Does it have something to do with the physics? Thanks.


Newton’s laws of physics is why rods swing

so yes, it’s the physics, and why are you using rods?

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Probably something to do with the Roblox physics of RodConstraints not having any friction to slow them down.

Yes, but the swinging never stops. Plus, what else would I use for a net? Ropes were the only other option and the swinging is worse.

Thats what I noticed after testing. I wish there was a way to apply friction to ropes and rod constraints :confused:

Use PARTS! Parts that are anchored will NEVER move!

but the whole point of using rods is to have a real life net effect. But I would expect them to stop at some point.

Well duh, but then the net doesn’t move when a basketball goes through it. The point of the rods is to get a realistic effect I think

What about a skinned mesh effect, would that work?

Or a bunch of Ball Parts that are transparent with Attachments in them and have RodConstraints joining them. Have the Attachments for the RodConstraints at the center of each Ball Part but have the Rods Lengths set so the Balls are just slightly apart so they can move against each other but still touch and have friction between them.
Set them all to CanCollide, but set the CanTouch Property off so there is a bit less lag. Set the Elasticity to 0 so they don’t bounce off each other.