Why does a red flash sometimes appear when spawning the player?

I don’t know if this has to do with the character spawning, but “sometimes” a red flash appears when the player spawns (at least testing in Studio).

Probably because I follow the following sequence:

  1. At the beginning of the Server script, I turn off the AutoLoad of the Character with Players.CharacterAutoLoads = false (so this will be the default for all players who enter the game).
  2. When a player enters the game, I do some processing inside PlayerAdded
  3. At the end of processing in PlayerAdded, I load the character Player:LoadCharacter()

I already tried to put this sentence at the and of the LocalScript’s PlayerAdded:

StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Health, false)

But it seems that it made no difference.
What could be causing this red flash when the player spawns?

I run a custom PlayerAdded function inside LocalScript in by calling a RemoteEvent:FireClient to this function at end of Server’s PlayerAdded.

But your comment doesn’t answer my question.

The red flash, I believe, is the damage indicator. I’m not sure if disabling it is possible.

It activates when the player’s humanoid health changes majorly in comparison to their maximum health.

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it probably could be an effect that when youre changing MaxHealth of a player cuz i changed it and i kinda got a red flash but idk how i fixed it

Happens sometimes in my 1v1 Doomspire game. It’s likely because the health/maxhealth is being modified. When does this happen? Can you show a video/picture if possible?

If you are moving a player into a different humanoid, that may happen sometimes. But if it is with StarterCharacter, IDK.

I think I solved the problem:

StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Health, false) is indeed the way to avoid this red flash effect.

The problem was, as I mentioned in the OP, I was putting this sentence AT THE END of my PlayerAdded function in LocalScript.
Changing this sentence to the beginning of LocalScript, at least so far, I haven’t noticed this effect again.