This only started happening recently. When I join games almost everybody is completely what you could called ‘naked’. Nobody has clothes, hats, or a face. This clearly isn’t just because everybody is cloth-less or hatless though, but I am experiencing the same thing on my character in every game.
Here is an gif of my character in a game with a baseplate in it.
Here is an gif of multiple people in the game trade hangout.
Dev Console in Trade Hangout:
I’m not sure if it’s my connection, but I’ve not changed service providers or anything?
Sorry for inpatient, but this also stops CSG and decals from loading making pretty much all games unplayable… is there any advancement on the cause or fix for this bug…?
I’m also having this issue. Faces won’t load in-game, and some CSG union assets don’t load in-game. Only happens online. Client dev console spammed with asset load errors like shown in a few posts above.
Considering that the dev console shows images failing to load, I doubt it. Plus you’re not the only one, and I doubt everyone else recently reinstalled their graphics drivers.
Yup, this is still happening. The addition of not being able to go into edit mode for studio games has begun happening to me, but that’s an old regular bug which hundreds of people suffer from.
When I start Studio, the output window says in blue: “Use the new http api: yes.” It used to say “no.” However, now Studio fails to load just about all my plugin icons.
I didn’t mean that - I meant replace the spoiler with it. Now it’s cached it seems to be OK though. What’s strange is that it killed Chrome when chrome normally doesn’t do that o.e
Anyway, I’m going to stop being off-topic now.
When I start Studio, the output window says in blue: “Use the new http api: yes.” It used to say “no.” However, now Studio fails to load just about all my plugin icons.[/quote]