Why does client get ahead of the local test server?

I’m working on my first game and ran into some odd behavior when trying to compensate for lag so I created a basic project to try and replicate what I’m seeing.

In the following video I have an NPC that moves between to parts in the workspace. The server window is on the left, the client on the right. I have Incoming Replication Lag set to 0.25 to simulate some bad lag/ping. The script is a server script located in ServerScriptService, the code for it is below the video.

When the session starts the client NPC is lagging behind the server NPC like I would suspect for a client with a high ping and no compensation being applied. After a couple passes between the two parts the Server NPC freezes for a split second while the client NPC jumps ahead at that exact same time. Now the client NPC is ahead of the server NPC, however I suspect the client NPC is just where the server NPC should be.

My question is why does the server NPC freeze up like that? I was hoping that the server window would be a reliable indication of the true location of the NPC on the server so I could at least see if my lag compensation is working or not in the client (lag compensation is not in this project).


local dummy = game.Workspace.Dummy
local p1 = game.Workspace.Part1
local p2 = game.Workspace.Part2
local connection = nil
local funcs = {}

local function arrivedAtP1(bComplete)
	print("P1: "..tostring(bComplete))
	connection = dummy.Humanoid.MoveToFinished:Connect(funcs[2])	

local function arrivedAtP2(bComplete)
	print("P2: "..tostring(bComplete))
	connection = dummy.Humanoid.MoveToFinished:Connect(funcs[1])	

funcs[1] = arrivedAtP1
funcs[2] = arrivedAtP2

dummy.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 6
connection = dummy.Humanoid.MoveToFinished:Connect(arrivedAtP2)
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Of course not long after posting I believe I figured it out. It looks like the network ownership changes at that point in time from the server to the client player. I’ve forced the owner to be the server and all seems well now…

Funny how you look into these things for a few hours and never solve it but them minutes after posting you figure it out.