Why does DepthofField not work anymore?

So I had implemented a DepthOfField object under Lighting and put all the rendering stats up to maximum and had it working fine. But just today I realize that the DepthOfField doesn’t work anymore with the same settings it worked fine with yesterday. Has the service just been made obsolete or is there another getaround to this? Thanks.

From what I know I don’t think there has been any changes? Maybe parent it to the camera instead

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Parented to camera- still not working. :confused: Can anybody open up a place with DepthOfField and see if it works for them? I think it’s been deprecated secretly.

Are you sure you even have the Enabled property set to true and the actual FOV value different from 70 . You can also check if its deprecated

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Yup, tried everything you mentioned above. Set FOV to 90 and enabled was definitely on true. Still doesn’t work :confused:

Graphics Quality is also dependant here, I have depth of field on Lighting tho?

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My graphics quality is on max, Level 21 for both rendering options. Depth of Field is under Lighting too- but it doesn’t work for me.

Can anybody that has a working FieldofDepth object share their properties for Rendering and what it is under (e.g. Lighting, Camera, etc.). Thanks

Do they just not work…? Have you tried creating an default DOF object?

Yup, just added a default one in, still doesn’t work. :confused:

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Does it work in game…? This is really odd, it could be also your Rendering API, I think that what it is called, like OPENGL, Vulkan, whatever, usually DirectX11 is the one that will support the most stuff.

Dunno, I tried changing those in properties but they still haven’t done anything yet. Maybe try messing around with it yourself and see if you can make a DepthofField work?

I just got into a computer, gonna test it out. Meanwhile, Do you use Mac/Windows? Anything different? Did you mess with Studio’s flags?

Its working fine here to me.

Must be something on your side then;

It works in studio but in play solo mode or actually playing in a server it suddenly disappears/doesn’t appear. Are you in play solo mode?

It worked on both, you know there’s still the graphics settings on the play mode right? In the drop-down menu

I am on a Mac so maybe that’s why it’s not working. Can you share your settings for Graphics please? Thanks

In order to it to work, you must have Edit Quality Level set to 16 or more, either it won’t work.

Make sure you have it to 16.

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I have it at max, tried it at 16 too- still not working on my end. Hopefully someone will respond with a list of properties for a working condition one.

Probably. Roblox doesn’t care about Mac users because it’s not as popular as Windows :sleepy:

Have you tried doing it on a different place?