Why does it not kick me?

The path to settings. It should look like this:
local setup = require(game.ServerScriptService.Mithic_Public.Settings).

Let me go back in test mode, of course.

@achdef is this for Octus State? Or something.

Oh, hi, it is for my own admin, you can take it if you want.

-- Settings MODULE Script (game:GetService("ServerScriptService").Mithic_Public.Settings.setup)
local module = {}

module.Admins = {

module.Theme = "Normal"

module.AutoBan = {
    ["123"] = true,

module.CreatorPerks = true
module.StaffPerks = true

return module

-- Main Script
local settings = require(game:GetService("ServerScriptService").Mithic_Public.Settings.setup)

    if settings.AutoBan[tostring(Player.UserId)] then

-- To add someone to ban table

local settings = require(game:GetService("ServerScriptService").Mithic_Public.Settings.setup)

settings.AutoBan[UserId] = true,

-- To unban

local settings = require(game:GetService("ServerScriptService").Mithic_Public.Settings.setup)

settings.AutoBan[UserId] = false,

Congrats, you are now mister solution.

Na, I was just wondering I was looking on your devforum profile and saw that you are active and I went to recent and saw this post by you.

Soon I am making my own admin, that a part of it. I just flagged the whole post of help since itā€™s got solved so they do not see behind the scenes. SHHH.

Also, how do you make an ERROR message saying something like this
ā€œERROR 401: Banned By Emergency Responders Studiosā€

Also, we have a new VIP game pass and a new Octus State Logo.
Made by our GFX 3D Artist

And, have you seen the new group logo?

Also made by our 3D GFX Artist

1 Like

local b = ā€œBanned by Emergency Responders Studiosā€
local ba = {ā€œbannedplayernameā€}

if table.find(ba, plr.Name) then

Yep. I did, itā€™s look amazing to be simple!

Okay, thanks for the code!

Iā€™ll use it in Octus State

Let me get a mod to close this. :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay, go to Octus State and edit with me

Cant. I am editing my own admin rn, sorry.

Okay, later?

Do you want to help me later?

Yeah, for sure, but not right now. Bye anyways!