Why does it take so long to press "Stop Playing" button?

Why does it take so long to press “Stop Playing” button?
Thing freezes my PC even on small maps. Or empty baseplate.

This Is a bug. I don’t have it and I’m on a laptop. I think you should try to re install if not check computer for a update or a virus thats stoping you. if this keeps happening contact roblox Support - Roblox

I think play test servers are hosted on your device locally, so I’m pretty sure it depends on these things:

  • How long it takes to save DataStores if any
  • How fast/good your device is
  • How big your game is

It might be a Beta Feature that’s causing freezing. Try disabling them.

For me thats normal, I never see the Play/Stop button working without freeze my computers for 10 seconds or more.

You need to wait until all the game:BindToClose() functions end to stop the playtest. (Maximum 30 seconds between when you press the button and when it stops freezing.)
Maybe one of those functions is taking too long or not working.

I’ve got a very good computer. I don’t have any data stores in the map. And it’s a small map. Barely just started it.

I don’t have any scripts in the map running?

I suppose its just roblox doing stuff that would usually happen on a normal server when the game closes

Ya, this is normal for me too.