Why does my character float when crouching and holding a tool?

When crouching, the player is meant to look like this:


But when I hold a tool and crouch, suddenly the character does this:


I just wanna know what causes this issue to happen. I checked the tool that I equipped in the photo (i quickly grabbed it off the toolbox because i was testing a custom inventory system) and there’s no script in it that would affect the animation. It might be an issue with the crouching animation itself, but I’m not really sure.

I should also point out that when I used the Classic Sword, whenever I swung the sword, the character descended onto the ground for that very moment before returning to the weird floating. I figured that might be important info.

Having the same issue was there ever a solution?

For anyone wondering i found a solution,

Just create a script that constantly checks for a tool in the players character(or equipped) while the player is crouching, if they are holding a tool change humanoid.HipHeight = -1 or something like that.

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The problem is the toolnone animation having a keyframes for the torso. You can take the animation, remove the torso keyframes, publish, get an animate script and replace the toolnone animation id with your animation id without the torso keyframe.

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