Why does my cooldown tween look weird?

I’m trying to create an average cooldown tween like blade ball, or any fighting game, but it looks like this: In my tween, all I did was lower the Y axis so it gets smaller but it changes position too.

Please don’t take this the wrong way, but we can’t tell what you’re talking about exactly with that description.
When you post here please read and answer the questions that the Scripting forum reply template has on it before you just delete them and type.

Are you trying to tween the size of a Part or a GUI? The reason I ask “lower the Y axis” is a very vague description.

Please copy/paste your script here with 3 backticks ``` before and after it so it formats properly.

This is the code:

local function TweenGui(Gui: TextLabel, Time)
	Gui:TweenSize(Gui.Size - UDim2.fromScale(0, 67), Enum.EasingDirection.In, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Time)

I’m trying to tween a gui size downwards

The position changing may be the result of GUI coordinate origins being positioned at the top right of the object, you can fix this by changing the anchor point of the object to (0.5,0.5).