Here are some of my stats
It seems people start to lose at stage 3, i dont think its that hard. I had my younger siblings play it, it was easy for them maybe there is bugs? I tested it a lot i found none, if you could help it would mean a lot, thanks!
Game link: Obby But You Cannot Walk 🚶 - Roblox
Basic things, hard to navigate, how do I turn? I got stuck just like that.
To turn you would use shiftlock. On mobile there is also a shiftlock button
But why would kids know this? Games should let you jump in right in the action or at least a tutorial first. Here the players wouldn’t even know to use shift lock.
I guess it might be too hard for some people, remember the audience you’re advertising. If its older players, then you can make it a little harder, but I’m guessing your advertising to kids, so of course they’ll find it hard.
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i actually thought about this
so i did this

but i guess not everyone can read. But i am hoping it peaks there interest leading for them to go click it
but even then, they can just zoom in first person. So many ways to move your character
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The movement system is rather unintuitive. I think the reason why people quit at the 3rd stage is because it is very hard to control when you stop, leading to the player trying to go back and forth and maybe catch themselves in the tree in order to get close enough to the button that teleports you to stage 4.
And I also think the little sequence at the start of the game should probably be removed, as players hate waiting. Maybe hint at the buttons on the screen while the player can still move their camera around.
well maybe the tutorial could be shorter, but not really. Before no one could make it past stage 1, about 30%-40% actually made it past stage 1, then i added the tutorial. Then it skyrocketed and i think also helped the game to perform better
and the movement, I agree and i think i will rework it soon. When i started this game, the movement was actually meant to be like this, since it made it harder to play (The obby was supposed to be a hard one) but when i rebranded to more bright and easy. The game got way more visits…
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