My game is a Simulator game about bombing doors and progressing through worlds. As it is, we currently have 15 worlds split into 3 maps. (5 worlds per map)
We recently had a big issue with lag, in which I was advised to use “StreamingEnabled”. I now use streaming enabled, and after setting a few models to persistent to ensure they don’t leave the workspace when they need to be there, the lag was was reduced.
After doing this though, I have noticed that we’re having people on mobile being kicked VERY frequently. This never happened until now.
Here is the error code we seem to be getting.
Our crash rate is at 7.74% and Compute Efficiency Percent is at 78.79%.
Here is an extra screenshot of the Server Frame Rate heartbeat.
Does anyone have any ideas / suggestions as to what we could do to fix this?
The game does not have any viruses of any sort.
Here is a link of the game if you’d like to test.