Why does my game only have a 74% like ratio?


I’ve just released my game, and am spending a ton on ads right now.

I’ve worked really hard to make it an engaging game with hours of actual content, but I only have a 74% like ratio. I’ve seen much worse games than mine end up with 85%+

I’d love some feedback on what I can improve, thank you!

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Looks like since it’s a battle game people lost and got mad and instantly disliked without a second thought.


Nice game idea.

74% isn’t bad, I guess the people that disliked probably got bored or don’t like those type of games. Probably nothing personal towards the game since it seems really fun and can’t really think of any reasons why anyone would dislike it.


You actually might be right with that. Any ideas for other names? Or how to make it more click that it’s not PVP

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Thank you very much for the feedback!


Here are reasons why your game is reaching 74% ratio.

  1. Trend Maybe your game isn’t following trends, especially if you’re aiming at a younger audience.

  2. Your game just isn’t good enough. Maybe your game isn’t really good enough for players, or maybe because it’s obvious that it may be low quality, stuff like that.

  3. People may just not like games like this, or raged quit.

Also 74% is good but could be better.

Edit: I checked your game passes, maybe it’s because of the game being pay to win.

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There’s not really a sure way to stop people from disliking pvp games, it’s bound to happen. Plus 74% is pretty good.


Could be related:

In my opinion 74% isn’t that bad. The thing I quoted doesn’t really apply to you, you aren’t that small, but yeah.

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Hey just wondering, did you spend any robux to advertise the game? How much did it cost? (Thinking about advertising my game…)

200-250k Robux so spent on ads far

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