Why does my games like ratio suck (so many dislikes)

I recently released this game: Stat Maxxers Simulator - Roblox

the like ratio for the game was ~80% but slowly went down and is now at 57% at the time of making this post.

the game started getting a lot of players and I often join servers to ask people about their opinions and it seems positive. I also have a feedback section where they can give suggestions and report bugs and I listen and add all of those features.

so why does my like ratio keep going down?

if you have any idea on how I can improve this so the image of the game isn’t bad then please lmk so I can fix my game

It seems a good way to improve your game. So I think the cause is by other game.
Was the game inspired by anything else?
If so, have games you inspired grown or been popular?
If so, Players could think yours copied ideas of inspired. It leads to increase dislikes. I’ve seen a lot of games has low like ratio caused by like this.
If it doesn’t, then sorry and the other cause would be related robux but I’m not sure. Anyway, as your game is famous, it compared with other games, and some factors often affects like ratio. It’s inevitable.

Your group wall holds some good hints; seems a lot of people are complaining about how many bugs the game has.

This type of game also tends to attract a lot of people who just want to dislike it (it’s a clickbait-y simulator game, after all).


I didnt copy any game. its a combination of simulator but there’s none like mine

you right but the issue is that people never give me specifics for bugs so I never know what to fix

There’s a lot of way to know bugs. Gather testers and have them or your friends play your game to find bugs. Directly message to people reported “Lots of bugs”. Join servers and ask players who seem play a lot, and so on.


This! Engage with your players