Why does my mesh become distorted when exporting to roblox?

I am trying to export this uv mapped house from blender to Roblox but I noticed that on export, some areas had missing faces. It will be noted I did construct some custom polygons but not on the ones observed. I am new to modeling for Roblox studio so please tell me if I am doing this improperly, making the house 1 mesh and using a 4k texture map.

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i believe in blender you can press Ctrl+N to fix this

Ctrl + N prompted me to make a new file where as Cmd + N (mac) prompted me the transformation tab, could you go more in-depth?

i just opened blender and it turns it you press Shirt+N sorry for the confusion im my part

Nothing seemed to happen, what is shift+n doing?

it recalculates your mesh and should have it so all faces are point facing outwards so it loaded correctly in roblox

Well I just did that in edit mode and it sorta fixed it, this is still here thoughScreen Shot 2020-11-01 at 10.33.45 AM

check blender. Make sure there is something there

Just did, everything is good on blenders side as last timeScreen Shot 2020-11-01 at 10.34.44 AM

check everyside. After that if blender has no issues go in the area where the issue is

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I went on the blender discord and they my face orientation messed up

oh. see if any of them know how to fix it as they will more knowledge of this subject then me

I just did with alt+n on them, look at my cute house =)

looks nice but just a suggestion maybe add a little bit of detail on the walls.