Why does my mesh look like this?

I have recently updated studio and found that when I now import meshes they have a weird texture, when I try to change the colour or material it does not change

sturgeon.obj (80.1 KB)

Any solution on how to fix this?


It also looks like this when I import

Update: it appears that when I import a mesh, there is studlet texture applied? so all I did was remove it.

it might be because of some kind of plugin you MIGHT have

I’ve just checked and its not any of my plugins… it only happens when I import a mesh that was exported from roblox, I want to know how to fix this.

Try exporting it as .fbx file. .fbx file is better than .obj (for me it is)

try not to use double side mesh if not do the opposite.

Try changing the material of the mesh to smooth plastic

Does the MeshPart have a TextureId applied? If so, set it to nothing.

like @ZacAttackk said,
does that field have anything there?

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Make sure all the surfaces are set to smooth, and I recommend making the material not plastic. Although, since it is stretching, make sure there isn’t a texture.

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