Keeping it short, why does it look like this? its supposed to look like:
(just the body, no headlights/windows)
This is my first blender model + first time I exported it (used .fbx file) to roblox so idk. please help
Probably since the mesh is inverted. You might want to change your mesh size into (-desired number),(-desired number),(-desired number).
Try using a .obj file instead maybe?
didnt fix the problem unfortunently. looks like that up there just smaller
Use new mesh importer and select invert negative
dang, didnt work.idk why this is happening lol
edit: when I export and import a file as .obj, it is not separated into separate meshes (as opposed to .fbx) as its supposed to be.
This is caused by inverted mesh normals. To fix this, it’s just a matter of a simple operation in Blender. Enter edit mode, select everything, and press shift+N to recalculate the normals.
Hello! this is caused beacuse you didnt flip “normals”
(you can view this here)
you can select each face and flip it with alt + n → flip
or select all and alt + n → recalculate outside
if you have issues with importing, watch this video how to import with fbx - YouTube
Sorry for bumping, but did you check off “doublesided” in the “properties” tab for the mesh?
Hope this helps.
thanks, ill see if that helped. ive been searching, but is there anyway to export all blender collections as a separate file? I have about 10 different things inside of my collection and I don’t really want to export all of those separately. is there a plugin? i already have a plugin that does it that, but with stl files, and I don’t think roblox supports that file type.
just select “import as 1 mesh” when you are importing with fbx or “apply all”
I am trying to export the things in the collection as separate files, you can bulk import. can you bulk export?
Oh that, I think so yeah just export 1 by 1?
Yea, i know that but is there anyway to export all of them into separate files. For example mesh a would be in a separate file than mesh b, but I would export them simultaneously.
Did you make sure after you imported the mesh you checked double-sided in properties?
export them, import to blender, select the vertices you want to seperate and click P
now you should have 2 “models”, if you want to transport one in a seperate file, just copy paste it
sorry for not making it more clear, but I want two separated things (no idea on what to call them) to be exported at the same time, but to different files. For example I want model x and model y to be export at the same time, but to different files. So model x would go to file x while model y would go to file y, is that possible?