Why does my tree leaves texture looks wrapped around all polygons?

Well, the title explains all, this is an image of how my model looks with its texture:

And this the result that I want

My bush is made with Blender particles(and then converted them into single instances)


Try changing your mesh material in propeties to ForceField.

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I’m not talking about that, I’m talking about why does the leaves texture applies to each polygon separately:


While this is not occurring in a free model that I took from the toolbox:

Well, I think that is is because the texture is a box and not an sphere, I can modify that in Blender shading but I don’t know if it will take effect on Studio when importing model.

What is the UV for the Particle, and what does the texture look like? I’d need more info, but it looks like your Particle UVs aren’t mapped properly?

Also @Chrisxxxzz why was that your go-to answer? Am I missing something here? This looks like it has nothing to do with ForceField or any Material property.

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How do i map the UVs properly, im new at this

decrease the randomness in the blender particle section for rotation.

Select your model and go to edit mode.

Press A to select all Vertex.

Find this little gap in the corner shown in the video clip. Click and drag once a crosshair appears. This will split your window and create a second window. Within that window select the UV editor as shown.

Once the UV editor is open, you can use some simple beginners tools to create a UV map with the click of a button. using Sphere Projection, Cube Projection, Smart Project, etc.

For advanced UV editing, you can experiment with the tools.
The purple square represents the image.
Using the UV editing window, you can move around where the vertex/edges/faces of your model line up with the image.

For a quick into to UV unwrapping check out this video.
(9) UV Unwrapping - Blender 2.80 Fundamentals - YouTube

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Thanks mate, you really saved my life haha!

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