Why does my walk animation doesnt work properly

Hey there my custom walk animations keeps getting disturbed by something but I can’t figure out what this is how it’s right now

and this is how it’s supposed to look

(Im using a custom character btw)


The Idle Animation is overlapping, or change the Animation Priority to Movement

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Thx i will give it a try as soon as i get home if it works i will mark it as solution

Happened to me many times, did you set your walk animation ID to the run animation ID? Also, sometimes that happens with the default r15 anims like walk and run, these things happen because of the walkspeed, the run and walk animations are playing at the same time.

I didnt touch the walk animation i only changed rhe run anim I also tried changing the walkspeed between 5 and 20 but it keeps looking like that

I also tried this without a custom char and that works. But I need a custom character for my game

Wdym? Do u mean that you made your own custom walk anim’s ID then you put that ID in the Run Animations ID?

Well I thats what I made a move animation and put it in as a runAnim

Make the walk anims action priority to Action

Make the priority Movement, and increase the animation weight when playing it.

to all of you I really appreciate the help. But I forgat to click the action piority