once again im back because i dont know what im doing.
so i made a fire axe using fe melee kit v1.2.3 and it kinda works?
here is what is happening with it:
that is the only thing i can think of as to why it wont do anything. does the arm being in r15 affect anything? my games r6.
i also just tried copy and pasting the “grip” attachment it creates and that didn’t work either.
yea you need to check your scripts, i feel like you are altering something with welding or attaching
you could even try removing all scripts and leaving the base tool parts @Synthlwave and see if it changes (it should) if it does then theory is correct
You could try welding a part to the axe. Make the part the handle so you can move it and rotate it until the player holds it correctly. May not be the best solution but it’s a way that has worked for me.
which animation? (idle, swing, equip)and how would rotating the arm affect anything? i think it would just rotate the fire axe but not make it grip it right.