so i made a gear and it has things and stuff but for some reson it only shows the handle not the part
Roblox only displays parts/models called handle, so anything that isn’t in a handle or isn’t a handle doesn’t display when you hold it. put the all the parts in a model and name the model handle.
ok thx ima try it out righ now
can you try to re-explain your problem to me? I don’t think I understand what you mean.
Instead of trying to separate the different parts of your tool into a handle and everything that’s not a handle, a good idea would be to weld all of your extra parts to the handle.
Hope this helps.
Oops I used the wrong weapon but ok so I’m making a gear but when you equipped it only shows one part and that part is the handle but I put the the parts in the handle inside but it only shows the handle
I think your putting parts inside a part, I don’t think you should be doing that. try move all your parts outside of part, and put it in a model.
pretty much:
dont do this
do this
ok got it ima try it tommorw and if i call the model handle would it also work
Did you read the documentation Roblox has about tools?
Tool | Roblox Creator Documentation
Intro to Player Tools – Weapons, Wands, etc.
In-Experience Tools | Roblox Creator Documentation
So did it works?
Because you said you will try tomorrow so now I think you have tried.