Why does publish to roblox as and save to roblox as, save only place without all game settings?

I created test place for my main game using publish to roblox as, but all game settings didn’t save into my test place. I don’t fully understand save/save as, publish/publish as. Also, i want to ask you - is this a good way to make a test place using the method I described above and overwrite main place using publish as? Thanks

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Because you’re partying to publish them as separate places from your current game. You’ll need to manually redo your game settings to the game you’re publishing to.

Yes, you should be fine (unless you have scripts that rely on services like DataStores, which cannot be accessed from separate experiences).


But “publish to roblox” will publish all game to roblox(all places and all things) am I right?

I think it’s good, because main data stores cant be overwrited by test place.

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