Why does ServerName print out nil?


I have made a script where it creates a new string value instance where its value is the player’s name and … " 's Server" I have also made it so, it invokes a remote function.

    local ServerName = Instance.new("StringValue")
	ServerName.Parent = ServerScriptService.ServerIDHandler.ServerNames
	ServerName.Name = player.Name .. " 's SERVER"
	ServerName.Value = player.Name .. " 's SERVER"
	game.ReplicatedStorage.ServerNames:InvokeClient(player, ServerName)

In my local script, I say when it recieves that remote event it prints out the ServerName. However it prints out nil.

local player = game:GetService("Players")

local ServerGui = script.Parent
local ServerName = ServerGui.Server.ServerName

game.ReplicatedStorage.ServerNames.OnClientInvoke = function(player, ServerName)


Isn’t ServerName an Instance itself? If you want to print out the value of ServerName, just add:


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Got this error when printing(ServerName.Value)

10:16:31.722 Players.planeboy2021.PlayerGui.ServerGUI.ServerNameScript:7: attempt to index nil with ‘Value’ - Client - ServerNameScript:7

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Anything that is in ServerScriptService or ServerStorage isn’t replicated to clients.

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Oh! Then how would I get the ServerName?

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You could just send the value (ServerName.Value instead of ServerName) instead.

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What do you mean by sending the value?

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Like this?

    local ServerName = Instance.new("StringValue")
	ServerName.Parent = ServerScriptService.ServerIDHandler.ServerNames
	ServerName.Name = player.Name .. " 's SERVER"
	ServerName.Value = player.Name .. " 's SERVER"
	game.ReplicatedStorage.ServerNames:InvokeClient(player, ServerName.Value)
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Oh wait

You don’t need to include the player argument. The purpose of passing the player argument in the server was so that the game knew where to fire the RemoteFunction to. Simply emit the player argument here and you should be alright

It still prints out nil.


local player = game:GetService("Players")

local ServerGui = script.Parent
local ServerName = ServerGui.Server.ServerName

game.ReplicatedStorage.ServerNames.OnClientInvoke = function(PlayerServerName)
local ServerName = Instance.new("StringValue")
	ServerName.Name = player.Name .. " 's SERVER"
	ServerName.Value = player.Name .. " 's SERVER"
	ServerName.Parent = ServerScriptService.ServerIDHandler.ServerNames
    -- set the parent as the last property because it's more optimized
	game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ServerNames:InvokeClient(player, ServerName.Value)
local player = game:GetService("Players")

local ServerGui = script.Parent
local ServerName = ServerGui.Server.ServerName

game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ServerNames.OnClientInvoke = function(PlayerServerName)
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Thank now it prints out the proper ServerName!

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Sorry, but when I try to join the server, it prints out nil.

Not sure what the problem could be, I loaded up a test place and copied the same scripts in and it worked for me.

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So When a player creates a server, it prints out the ServerName, When a player joins the server it prints out nil.


local ServerScriptService = game:GetService("ServerScriptService")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local ServerIDHandler = ServerScriptService:FindFirstChild("ServerIDHandler") or Instance.new("Folder", ServerScriptService)
ServerIDHandler.Name = "ServerIDHandler"

local ListofIds = ServerIDHandler:FindFirstChild("ListofIds") or Instance.new("Folder", ServerIDHandler)
ListofIds.Name = "ListofIds"

ReplicatedStorage.CreateServer.OnServerInvoke = function(player)
	local ServerID = tostring(math.random(10000, 99999))
	local ServerEntry = Instance.new("StringValue")
	ServerEntry.Value = ServerID
	ServerEntry.Name = player.Name .. " 's Server"
	ServerEntry.Parent = ListofIds

	local ServerName = Instance.new("StringValue")
	ServerName.Name = player.Name.. "'s SERVER"
	ServerName.Value = player.Name.. "'s SERVER"
	ServerName.Parent = ServerScriptService.ServerIDHandler.ServerNames
	-- set the parent as the last property because it's more optimized

	game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ServerNames:InvokeClient(player, ServerName.Value)

		if not player.Parent then
			local playerServerID = ListofIds:FindFirstChild(player.Name .. " 's Server")
			if playerServerID then

	return ServerID

ReplicatedStorage.JoinServer.OnServerInvoke = function(player, ServerID)
	for _, server in ipairs(ListofIds:GetChildren()) do
		if server.Value == ServerID then
			print(player.Name .. " successfully joined server with ID:", ServerID)
			return true
	warn(player.Name .. " failed to join server with ID:", ServerID)
	return false

Wait is this the issue?

It was the issue, I just removed the line and now it works!

ReplicatedStorage.JoinServer.OnServerInvoke = function(player, ServerID)
	for _, server in ipairs(ListofIds:GetChildren()) do
		if server.Value == ServerID then
			print(player.Name .. " successfully joined server with ID:", ServerID)
			game.ReplicatedStorage.ServerNames:InvokeClient(player) -- This Line
			return true
	warn(player.Name .. " failed to join server with ID:", ServerID)
	return false

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