it’s just as the title says. most of the time the tool works normally, but if i’m unlucky, after like 5 seconds my studio freezes up and then it crashes.
i have a decent enough computer imo, so i don’t think it’s an issue on my end, as the tool mostly works fine, it’s just that it sometimes starts doing this.
is there a way to check why this is happening in the first place?
I originally thought it was just triggered by specific words (like ‘init’) being typed in, but I just tried looking up references to Class(_, and that, too, crashed studio.
I don’t have that many lines in a script (1000 at most, but usually from 100-300), but I do have many modules with the thing I’m looking to replace (which is why I’m using the find all tool instead of just replacing the code manually)
specifically, I’m trying to rename all mentions of :__init( to :init(
this is a known bug. the last response was from roblox (MoonRocketApollo) who said they had plans to revise the current find/replace functionality. It’s weird though I haven’t had it happen to me the past few days, not sure whats changed: