Why does the animation work for me but not for others?

The person who created the game has to be the one to publish the animation

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Does he have the animation that you made, or did he publish it?

when he publishes the animation and when i add it in the script it doesn’t work for anyone except the Publisher (owner)

the game isn’t a group game, it’s a game made by a single person but with team create turned on.

Try pre-adding the animation in the game rather than loading it off a script

wait what do you mean i can only change the Default animation using a script and not a Pre added animation i think :confused:

First go into test, go to your character in workspace then copy the animate script, quit the test then put the animate script inside starter character scripts, rename it, disable it then put the id of your animation inside the walk boolvalue inside the animate script so that when the player presses the button,it will enable the other animate script and disable the current one

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I think reuploading the animation as a group creation will solve the problem