Why does the animation work for me but not for others?

So, i have a run animation which i made and it works completely fine for me when i play with it in game, but when my people in Team Create and even In Real Game try the Animation it doesn’t work and for them it shows this error doesn’t show for me.

Error -: Animation Failed To Load.

here’s the script very basic.

local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer


local anim = char:WaitForChild("Animate")

anim:WaitForChild("walk").WalkAnim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://5750969838"


Telling it again it works for me but not for other’s it shows an error.

Thank you for the help! :smiley:

Since it’s a localscript. Only the client itself can see the animation.

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the problem is not Only the client can see the animation it literally doesnt work for others. Only works for me.

Then the animation isn’t owned by the game you’re making.

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still doesn’t work and i already tried ur idea and it doesn’t work ;(

if it is a group game, you need to upload the animation under the group

Are you making a group game? if yes, then you need to upload the Animation to the group the game is being developer under of.

If its by one person, then that person whose the game is should upload the Animation.

If you ensure this, it should work.

it’s not a group game i’m working for someone and it’s his game but the animation is published by me

if it’s for a group game you need to upload it in the group animations, if it’s in a friend’s game or yours, they’d have to install it.

wait what do you mean by “install”

oh, the animation needs to be published by the game owner if it is not a group game.

already tried that then it doesn’t work for me but it does for the owner.

i meant when you save a model, it goes to your my models right? they’d have to do the exact same thing like install the animation so they could use it otherwise it wouldn’t load in their screen

but it does not work for ANYONE what do i do then? cause everybody cant install it… :confused:

when you save a model, it will open another screen that shows “save model” and it will go to your inventory called “my models”, that means you can just make your animation model copyable by everyone and then your team could install it since it’s copyable

yeh thats Fine… but What about Other people (robloxians) play the game they wont install the animation bruv

they can still see it .-.
(3 - 0 - c h a r s )

What hes saying is, The group owner needs to publish the animations for it to work in the real game, this is why I avoid Team Create

notice how you made a game that you made by yourself with animations but the people who played it still saw the animation plays? it won’t change with team create

bro it doesn’t work for anyone except the owner.