Why does the model not cancollide = false with player?

Hi, so I have a placement script for buildings in my open world game, and I want it so that the building does not collide with the player while they are choosing a place to put it, so I set it’s cancollide property to FALSE before they place it but it still collides with the player! I was wondering why this is happening and if anyone has a way to make it not collide with the player I would be very grateful indeed. Thanks!

You need to make every individual part cancollide false since the model does not have such property.
you should do something like this

for _,v in pairs(game.Workspace.Model:GetChildren()) do
if v:IsA("Part") then
v.CanCollide = false

CanCollide isn’t a property of a Model. You need to set the CanCollide of each BasePart in the Model throug ha for loop using Instance | Roblox Creator Documentation.

I did but it still collides with the player and nudges them off a bit. Here is my code:

function makeCurrModelCanCollideFalse(currModel) for i, v in ipairs(currModel:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Part") then v.CanCollide = false end end end

Use BasePart instead of Part. And use GetDecendants over GetChildren. Otherwise you will miss a lot of possible Instances that should have their collisions turned off.


thank you for correcting, him and myself. Greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much! Genius man!

And thanks all for the help

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