why does my pet [part] not moving along the player and how can i fix it ?
Btw, here is the Scrript:
local newPet = script.Parent
newPet.CanCollide = false
newPet.CanTouch = false
local petPos = Instance.new("BodyPosition",newPet)
local petGypro = Instance.new("BodyGyro",newPet)
petGypro.MaxTorque = Vector3.new(900000,900000,900000)
local followPos = Vector3.new(2,2,0)
while wait() do
local plr = game.Workspace:WaitForChild(player.Name)
local playerPos = plr.HumanoidRootPart.Position
local stopAt = ((playerPos - newPet.Position).magnitude - 1) * 1000
petPos.P = stopAt
petPos.Position = playerPos + followPos
petGypro.CFrame = plr.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
for now, I did not clone the part, just for testing, I did this!
Waiting for your Support and you can ask me if i need to give anything else and there are no errors btw!
is it completely not moving at all?
You might want to make it caps(i think idk)
yes, it’s not completely moving along the players!
September 22, 2021, 10:09am
Have you increased the Force of your BodyPosition?
Also, the CharacterAdded event gives a reference to the Player’s Character in the parameters, like you PlayerAdded event. So you don’t need the plr reference in the loop
no i did not increased the force of the body pos and ye i changed that local plr
Just making sure, it is a normal script right?
yes its a normal script which is inside the part who is in the workspace
Is the Anchored property of the pet set to false?
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ye as u can see in the script, it is said to be false
thats cancollide i meant anchored i dont see anchored in the script
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lmfao sorry, instead of setting anchored to false i accidently set the can touch to false. Now everything is working properly! thx
also btw there is another problem like when i stop, the part slowly moves down even insiide the ground! how can i fix that ?
You can have a anti gravity script
-- heres one for u (put inside pet)
local part = script.Parent
local downForce = -part:GetMass()*workspace.Gravity
local force = -downForce
local bodyForce = Instance.new("BodyForce")
bodyForce.Force = Vector3.new(0,force,0)
bodyForce.Parent = part
ok that got fixed thx! but when i stop the part moving and stopping at through my face. What do you think i should put it in stop at ?
uhh I dont get what you mean do u mean it is right at ur face or what
going inside my face + going right when i stop moving here is a screenshot:
tbh i dont know how to fix this now lol you might have to start a new topic on this
lol its problem as my part is much bigger