Why does the same animation look different in-game, and doesn't look like the animation from Animation Editor?

ANIMATION EDITOR: https://gyazo.com/377df5086a439e7ef1a79f2329c17b12

IN-GAME: https://gyazo.com/32212ff26934173c9a4181abf58434f0

Animation is being played through server script, there is a key bind to activate this animation, this is what the server script that plays the animation looks like:

local test = game.ReplicatedFirst.Animations.WS:FindFirstChild("Test")
local Steal = game.ReplicatedFirst.Animations.WS:FindFirstChild("Steal")

	local Attachment1 = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Attachment
	local StandModel = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Stand")	
	local StealAnim = StandModel.AnimControl:LoadAnimation(Steal)
	Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 3
	Attachment1.WorldPosition = (Player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame * CFrame.new(0,0.25,-2.5)).p
		Attachment1.WorldPosition = (Player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame * CFrame.new(-2.25, 1, 2.25)).p	
		Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16

AnimControl inside the stand is an AnimationController, not a humanoid btw

This is a glitch with the animation editor. Cubic easing in/out are swapped in game. At the moment the only way to fix this is by using alternative pluggins or by manually swapping the easing directions.


Im facing the same problem, what do you mean by ‘plugins’ since i am using Moon Animator because its easier and because of this

But it still does not work? And what do you mean by swapping the easing directions? I swapped it in moon animator (the frames’ easing directions) to InOut yet it doesn’t work… Its been like 3 or more days that i have been facing this bug… Any help? Thanks!!

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The bug is with the default animation editor swapping the cubic ease in with cubic ease out upon export, and vice versa. Plugins like Moon and any others that let you use/create animations did not seem to reproduce the bug from my (very limited) experience I had with them. Alternatively, you could use the default animation editor as is and then replace all your ins with outs and vice versa before exporting, but that would be tedious.

It’s been a while since I’ve used the default animation editor, so there’s even a chance that it’s been fixed and I’ve not noticed

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Set everything to InOut and doesn’t work even in the default animation editor.

It seems that its skipping frames…

Bump, still experienced this bug today.

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Hello, no need to bump, as the solution is already there.

Bump! For me, it is not really fixed…! I started noticing the problem again.

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if you have the cubic in/out inverted problem, just manually revert them