Why does this "anti cheat" kick legit players

so i made a script which is supposed to kick a player whenever a not allowed gui appears in starter gui (some exploits have a notification gui) but for some reason it kicks legit players as well?
its a local script and its a child of startergui ( and i believe everything inside startergui gets cloned into playergui as well)

local alloweduis = {}
for i,v in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()) do

	if not table.find(alloweduis,child) then

Two things:
AllowedUis is empty,
Three other ScreenGuis are automatically inserted when a player joins the game.
(Chat, Freecam, Shopgui)

its not empty, but i think i know how to make it work properly already

oh i see, that would make sense. ill try to white list those

actually proximity prompts is the thing that kicks me

I dont think kicking players or banning is not a effective solution, btw the problem is there are in-built GUIs that added by roblox if you keep the table empty the player will be auto-kicked

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Also your anti-cheat can be easily bypassed/disabled since it client sided and please do a clear research about “CoreGUI” next time, happy development.


do you have the list of the auto inserted guis names?
or do you know where to find it

Don’t even bother – exploiters don’t insert their UI into PlayerGui, but rather CoreGui or through external drawing libraries. Patch the vulnerability, not the GUI.


Keep in mind, do not use exploits on your own game. Even if you did dont tell this to anyone :eyes:

damn, i mean to test an anti cheat you need to cheat right

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Of course not, you can make an admin-like script for testing that incorporates common exploits.

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AllowedGuis is empty (so it’s banning everyone) and if legitimate players are still experiencing the issue, try looking at core system uis as well.

i have decided not to use this method anymore. i have found a new method of creating an anti cheat

Well please mark someone’s post as solved then so people know.