I was doing some performance tests, and I noticed that some code I had inside a ModuleScript took a longer time to finish than when the code was not in the ModuleScript. This confused me as I could think of no reason that this code would run significantly slower in a ModuleScript than in a normal script itself.
The code being ran is a simple loop that increments a variable each iteration. The code in the normal script and ModuleScript is shown below.
local module = {}
function module.test()
local t = tick()
local n = 0
for i = 1, 1000000 do
n = n + 1
print("time", tick() - t)
local module = {}
function module.test()
local t = tick()
local n = 0
for i = 1, 1000000 do
n = n + 1
print("time", tick() - t)
return module
The output was as follows:
time 0.14418029785156
time 0.48594498634338
I also tried changing the order in which they ran, but that did not have any signficant changes. What exactly is the cause for this, and how do ModuleScripts run?
EDIT: I would also like to specify that both the script and ModuleScript are in ServerScriptService, and this is being run on an empty place in Play Solo.
What I can tell how ModuleScripts run: the require function(in normal Lua, I think it should be the same in Roblox’ Lua) loads a file(reads it)
About the perfermane: The require can take some time, but it shouldn’t be such a difference, I would suggest you make more over 100-1000 tests and take the average
A reason could be, that your computer does some background work or garbage collection is active, such things slow the performance down
I created a completely empty place and put a Script and a Module Script in the ServerScriptService with your functions and took 10 tests:
Although the Script finished first 2 more times than the Module Script, the Module Script ended up having the lowest average time. Your times are a LOT higher than any of these so there are a definitely a few variables missing within this data(I also only took 10 tests, usually it should be a lot more). One variable is most likely the system being used to run Studio. I would do what @borgerding reccomended, check some background processes and take some more tests.
Edit: The bottom right is not the average Difference it is the Difference between the Average Times(Accidentally made the color a different shade of purple)
I published the place and joined it to see if it made a difference, and it did. The two times were about the same when I tested online versus in studio (I ran the code on the server first, and then the client). You guys are probably right, I never knew that background processes could affect the time it takes for modules to run in studio.