Why does this happen with my NPC when I bump into him enough times?

Hi! Earlier today I was debugging my NPC I’ve made and I realized that when bumped into it enough times, my NPC decides to have long durations of moving pauses when it has reached the current waypoint, until it just stops moving entirely, and then starts moving slowly again.

Basically, the target has a cylinder welded to it’s HumanoidRootPart and the NPC keeps circling around random areas right outside of the cylinder. That’s what it’s supposed to do.

(Important Side note, the pathfinding WaypointSpacing is 5 and the pathfinding states that the Cylinder Part cost is math.huge.)

Here’s a fraction of the script:

while wait() do
		Target = CheckForTarget() -- check for target is the function that filters every model in the workspace to see if theres a target near enemy and returns that target
		if Target then
			local SetupWaypointCFrame = CFrame.new(Cylinder.Position) * CFrame.Angles(0, math.random(0, 360), 0) -- Cylinder is defined on CheckForTarget(), it's a part welded to the target (It's the cylinder seen on the video)
			local WaypointCFrame = SetupWaypointCFrame + (SetupWaypointCFrame.LookVector * Vector3.new(Cylinder.Size.Z - 5, 0, Cylinder.Size.Z - 5))
			GetPath(WaypointCFrame.Position) --GetPath computes a path for the enemy, the parameter being the destination
			local FirstWaypoint = true
			for i, v in pairs(Path:GetWaypoints()) do
				--[[local part = Instance.new("Part", workspace) -- THIS SETS THE WAYPOINT PART
				part.Anchored = true
				part.Size = Vector3.new(1,1,1)
				part.Position = v.Position]]--
				if FirstWaypoint == true then --irrelevant code but important to know
						FirstWaypoint = false
					local Moving = true
					repeat wait()
						print(Moving) -- When the NPC reaches the point where it doesn't move anymore, I realize this starts only printing true, even when it's not moving
						Target = CheckForTarget()
						if Target then
							if script.Parent.HumanoidRootPart.AlignOrientation.Enabled == false then -- irrelevant code but important to know
								script.Parent.HumanoidRootPart.AlignOrientation.Enabled = true
							if script.Parent.Humanoid.AutoRotate == true then -- irrelevant code but important to know
								script.Parent.Humanoid.AutoRotate = false
							script.Parent.HumanoidRootPart.AlignOrientation.CFrame = CFrame.new(script.Parent.HumanoidRootPart.Position, Target.Parent:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position) -- irrelevant code but important to know
							Moving = false
					until Target == nil or TargetPosition ~= Target.Parent:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position or Moving == false
					-- Target and TargetPosition are all defined on CheckForTarget()

Here’s a video demonstrating the issue (Sorry it’s 2 minutes long, NPC was being uncooperative + I also demonstrate his starting behavior, which is what I would like the NPC to keep behaving like)

notice how it progressively gets slower at some point and when I bump into it one last time before it just stops moving, and then starts slowly moving again.

something I tried was replacing

	Moving = false


if script.Parent.Humanoid.MoveDirection.Magnitude <= 0 then
	Moving = false

and it gave me another issue, here’s what I’m talking about:

Is there any way to either fix the NPC slowing down and stopping issue or remind the NPC to not cross the cylinder (which detail, has a pathfinder modifier with the cost of math.huge)?

help :happy1:

Also, I might only be replying tomorrow due to it being late on my timezone…