Why does this happen?

I am currently working on an electric vehicle, but when I play the game, this happens

The rims within the tires go to random locations and I need help fixing it. I am using QPerfectionWeld to weld the tires together. I need help making this car work. I tried uploading a video but it was too big

Have you considered welding them together manually? It might be a bug with qPerfectionWeld. I think it’s overall better to weld things manually and be able to view the constraints before the game runs, instead of hoping a script automagically takes care of it.

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Maybe try anchoring it then wait for the QPerfectionWeld, and then unanchor

How do I fix this from happening? when I start the game, when the car touches the ground, it jumps very high. Here’s the place file:
Doors and lifts and more i build.rbxl (715.5 KB)
Can someone fix this for me? I tried making the chassis massless but it still jumped, i tried adding more density to the wheels, but it still jumped