What is this, what are you looking to do with it … exactly.
Show me your file structure … explain the task fully.
I personally do not like to use Parent so much. Them can be define and called directly.
You’re stating .BackgroundTransparency = 0 and then Visible = false
0 would be show the GUI. 1 would be hide the GUI with Transparency.
(well the background anyways)
Right now, the thing the script does is a placeholder, but I’m trying to make a shop where you can buy tools. I have a LocalScript checking to see if you press a button, and if you have more or equal to/less than the amount of 1500. Here is my explorer.
I am only using Parent a lot because of PlayerGui and I don’t want to mess around with that.
Also, .BackgroundTransparency and .Visible are not the same thing and that’s (from what I know of) not breaking the script. Also my problem is that the GUI is not going invisible.