I have a question, why does this look so weird?
It should change lighting in regions, for example in a cave it will get darker
The place is uncopylocked
I hope someone of you can help me!
I have a question, why does this look so weird?
It should change lighting in regions, for example in a cave it will get darker
The place is uncopylocked
I hope someone of you can help me!
Yes, im sure.
ScreenShots not right now, but i want to achieve that when you walk into one of the two parts the lighting changes, the water properties, the terrain colors and some lighting effects change.
Then a follow up question, as it’s already uncopylocked
can you send the script(s) on here and
preformatted the text while you’re at it, to make it easy to read. (put 4 spaces in front of each line)
Mhm, there’s a script in Terrain.
Edit: Delete the script if it’s unknown for you. (Mark as solution if it solved)
The script is from a Plugin…
Here are the scripts:
ModuleScript With Settings in it(in StarterPlayerScripts)
local lighting = game.Lighting
local terrain = workspace.Terrain
local LightingSettings = {
--|| Sumpf ||--
Sumpf = {
Lighting = {
["FogEnd"] = 200;
["FogStart"] = 0;
["FogColor"] = Color3.new(32, 71, 0);
LightingEffects = {
["TintColor"] = Color3.new(203, 255, 205);
TerrainSettings = {
["WaterColor"] = Color3.new(4, 92, 0);
["WaterReflectance"] = 0.25;
["WaterTransparency"] = 0.02;
["WaterWaveSize"] = 0;
["WaterWaveSpeed"] = 3;
--|| Standard ||--
Standard = {
Lighting = {
["FogEnd"] = lighting.FogEnd;
["FogStart"] = lighting.FogStart;
["FogColor"] = lighting.FogColor;
} ;
LightingEffects = {
["TintColor"] = lighting.RegionColorCorrection.TintColor;
TerrainSettings = {
["WaterColor"] = terrain.WaterColor;
["WaterReflectance"] = terrain.WaterReflectance;
["WaterTransparency"] = terrain.WaterTransparency;
["WaterWaveSize"] = terrain.WaterWaveSize;
["WaterWaveSpeed"] = terrain.WaterWaveSpeed;
return LightingSettings
Local script inside Module script:
local LightingRegionsWorkspace = workspace.LightingRegions
local RegionSettings = require(script.Parent)
local Sumpf = RegionSettings.Sumpf
local Standard = RegionSettings.Standard
local sumpfPartName = "Sumpf"
local standardPartName = "Standard"
local ts = game:GetService("TweenService")
local tweenInfo = TweenInfo.new(3)
--|| Sumpf TweenGoals ||--
local sumpfTweenLightingGoals = {
FogColor = Sumpf.Lighting.FogColor,
FogEnd = Sumpf.Lighting.FogEnd,
FogStart = Sumpf.Lighting.FogStart
local sumpfTweenLightingEffectGoal = {
TintColor = Sumpf.LightingEffects.TintColor
local sumpfTweenTerrainGoals = {
WaterColor = Sumpf.TerrainSettings.WaterColor,
WaterReflectance = Sumpf.TerrainSettings.WaterReflectance,
WaterTransparency = Sumpf.TerrainSettings.WaterTransparency,
WaterWaveSize = Sumpf.TerrainSettings.WaterWaveSize,
WaterWaveSpeed = Sumpf.TerrainSettings.WaterWaveSpeed
--|| Normal TweenGoals ||--
local StandardTweenLightingGoals = {
FogColor = Standard.Lighting.FogColor,
FogEnd = Standard.Lighting.FogEnd,
FogStart = Standard.Lighting.FogStart
local StandardTweenLightingEffectGoal = {
TintColor = Standard.LightingEffects.TintColor
local StandardTweenTerrainGoals = {
WaterColor = Standard.TerrainSettings.WaterColor,
WaterReflectance = Standard.TerrainSettings.WaterReflectance,
WaterTransparency = Standard.TerrainSettings.WaterTransparency,
WaterWaveSize = Standard.TerrainSettings.WaterWaveSize,
WaterWaveSpeed = Standard.TerrainSettings.WaterWaveSpeed
local found = false
while wait(1) do
for i, v in pairs(LightingRegionsWorkspace:GetChildren()) do
for l, o in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
if o:IsA("Part") then
found = false
local newRegion = Region3.new(o.Position - (o.Size/2), o.Position + (o.Size/2))
local parts = workspace:FindPartsInRegion3WithWhiteList(newRegion, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetDescendants())
for _, part in pairs(parts) do
if part:FindFirstAncestor(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name) then
found = true
found = false
if found then
if o.Name == standardPartName then
local standardtween1 = ts:Create(game.Lighting, tweenInfo, StandardTweenLightingGoals)
local standardtween2 = ts:Create(game.Lighting.RegionColorCorrection, tweenInfo, StandardTweenLightingEffectGoal)
local standardtween3 = ts:Create(workspace.Terrain, tweenInfo, StandardTweenTerrainGoals)
elseif o.Name == sumpfPartName then
local standardtween1 = ts:Create(game.Lighting, tweenInfo, sumpfTweenLightingGoals)
local standardtween2 = ts:Create(game.Lighting.RegionColorCorrection, tweenInfo, sumpfTweenLightingEffectGoal)
local standardtween3 = ts:Create(workspace.Terrain, tweenInfo, sumpfTweenTerrainGoals)
The reason why the lighting looks so bright is because when you change the fogcolor, you are currently using Color3.new
instead of Color3.fromRGB
. “.fromRGB” will use the correct values. Replace all the Color3.new
to Color3.fromRGB
in your module script, and this should resolve the problem.
This is your fixed module script
local lighting = game.Lighting
local terrain = workspace.Terrain
local LightingSettings = {
--|| Sumpf ||--
Sumpf = {
Lighting = {
["FogEnd"] = 200;
["FogStart"] = 0;
["FogColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(32, 71, 0);
LightingEffects = {
["TintColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(203, 255, 205);
TerrainSettings = {
["WaterColor"] = Color3.fromRGB(4, 92, 0);
["WaterReflectance"] = 0.25;
["WaterTransparency"] = 0.02;
["WaterWaveSize"] = 0;
["WaterWaveSpeed"] = 3;
--|| Standard ||--
Standard = {
Lighting = {
["FogEnd"] = lighting.FogEnd;
["FogStart"] = lighting.FogStart;
["FogColor"] = lighting.FogColor;
} ;
LightingEffects = {
["TintColor"] = lighting.RegionColorCorrection.TintColor;
TerrainSettings = {
["WaterColor"] = terrain.WaterColor;
["WaterReflectance"] = terrain.WaterReflectance;
["WaterTransparency"] = terrain.WaterTransparency;
["WaterWaveSize"] = terrain.WaterWaveSize;
["WaterWaveSpeed"] = terrain.WaterWaveSpeed;
return LightingSettings
I accualy wanted to try Color3.fromRGB
But yea still thanks