Why does this script not detect the proximity prompt?

I’m making a script where when the proximity prompt is triggered it “harvests” the crop. using this code

local prox = script.Parent.Hitbox.ProximityPrompt

	local Wheat = game.ServerStorage.ItemsFolder.Wheat
	local wheatPlot = script.Parent
	local String = Instance.new('StringValue')
	Wheat.Handle.Transparency = 0
	Wheat.Part.Transparency = 0
	Wheat.Part1.Transparency = 0
	Wheat.Part2.Transparency = 0
	Wheat.Part3.Transparency = 0
	Wheat.Handle.Anchored = false
	Wheat.Part.Anchored = false
	Wheat.Part1.Anchored = false
	Wheat.Part2.Anchored = false
	Wheat.Part3.TAnchored = false
	String.Name = 'Wheat'
	String.Parent = player:WaitForChild('Inventory')
	Wheat.Parent = player.Backpack

When i tested it. Nothing happened. I thought it was a little error so i tried using prints to find the line that was wrong since it didn’t give an error but I looked into it more and found out the script can’t even find the proximity prompt

Whats going on???

Were there any errors in the output window?

No, Thats why i was trying to debug it using prints

this is happening because there are 2 or more child named Hitbox under the parent PlotExample_1

Oh, i used an autoweld tool earlier to weld everything. I guess i forgot that it names the welds to the same name as the part it is welding to

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