Why does this script only work on models but not players

It is a custom starter character that I’ve been using and I’m trying to make it so when you hover over another player with your mouse it highlights them, and while it works while the model is on the map it doesn’t work as a character. I’ve tried everything from putting them items into the starter character to inserting them with scripts but nothing seems to work. It’s just a highlight, a click detector, and a script to detect and activate both when needed.

local ClickDetector = script.Parent.ClickDetector
local Highlight = script.Parent.Highlight

	Highlight.Enabled = true
	plr.StarterGui.Cursor.Enabled = false;
	Highlight.Enabled = false
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Could you record what exactly is happening for more clarity?

sure, basically I want it to use the new highlight feature on players but I cant seem to get it to work on actual players but it does work on parts/models