Why Does This Webhook Spam Messages?

So I’m using an open sourced webhook Api and It works but for some reason it doesn’t only send messages once, it uhh does this…

Here’s the script

local HTTP = game:GetService("HttpService")

local webhookurl = "--Webhook" 

local function SendReport(player, reason)
	local data = {
		["embeds"] = {{

			["author"] = {
				["name"] = player.Name,
				["icon_url"] = "https://www.roblox.com/Thumbs/Avatar.ashx?x=100&y=100&username="..player.Name
			["description"] = "Banned For: Exploiting/Cheating " .. reason,
			["color"] = tonumber(0xFFFAFA),
			["fields"] = {
					["name"] = "Account Age:",
					["value"] = player.AccountAge,
					["inline"] = true
					["name"] = "User ID:",
					["value"] = player.UserId,
					["inline"] = true

	local finaldata = HTTP:JSONEncode(data)
	HTTP:PostAsync(webhookurl, finaldata)

	SendReport(p, "PLAYER BANNED!")

and it does it more times but Roblox studio just blocked it because it got over loaded with http requests.

Client probably spamming the remote

It only fires once


Is that your test account or someone else who got banned

It’s one of the developers for the game account. I just censored so people don’t think it’s an actual exploiter and report it.

I Can Help You. If You Exactly Tell Me What You Want. I Make The System For You.

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Can you show the script that fires the remote?


local DataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local ExploitBans = DataStore:GetDataStore("ExploitBans")

	local char = v.Character
	local plr = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(char)
	local vID = v.UserId
	local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
		ExploitBans:SetAsync(vID, true)
	if success then 
		v:Kick("\nAnti-Exploit \n \n You Were Banned For The Reason Of: Exploiting. \n \n If You Belive This Was False You May Appeal This Ban In Our Discord Server.")

Do you still need help? If so reply my message :smiley:

I mean it does still spam a little but I guess it’s not bad.