I am making a dancing dummy that should look like the person who is first on the global leaderboard.
I don’t think the code itself is relevant, it works fine just that he dummies look off
As you can see from the image, the dummy is way taller than me and its knees are going through its legs. If someone could tell me what’s wrong i’d be grateful
You could try setting back the Scaling Properties back to their original height when the Dummy’s Description gets applied?
local Desc = game:GetService("Players"):GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(key)
local Depth = Dummy.Humanoid.BodyDepthScale
local Height = Dummy.Humanoid.BodyHeightScale
local Width = Dummy.Humanoid.BodyWidthScale
local Head = Dummy.Humanoid.HeadScale
Dummy.Humanoid.BodyDepthScale = Depth
Dummy.Humanoid.BodyHeightScale = Height
Dummy.Humanoid.Width = Width
Dummy.Humanoid.HeadScale = Head
I’ve solved it myself. For those who have a similar issue, here is what I did. Turns out it was the dummies i was using that were causing the issue. I don’t know exactly what the problem with them was and I don’t care tbh, but I just replaced them and everything works as it should now.