I’m currently working on a stand from jojo and wanted to give my stand an idle animation. The stand is positioned and connected to the player’s character with an AlignPosition and AlignOrientation. I’m loading and playing the animation with an AnimationController on the server. For some reason the animation loads on the client which the stand is on but doesn’t load for any other client and doesn’t load on the server either. I am trying to get the animation to load on all clients.
Code Used
local Animator = Instance.new("Animator")
Animator.Parent = StandObject:WaitForChild("StandHumanoid")
Ive Tried:
Using an Animator Instead
Setting the Stand’s Parent to something besides the player’s character
Changed Priority on the Animation
I loaded on the AnimationController first but that didn’t work so I did some research and turned out :LoadAnimation() on AnimationControllers and Humanoids were deprecated so I tried loading with Animator instead but that didn’t work either.
Im not sure if this is your issue, but im 90% sure animations have to belong to a group for everyone to see them.
Last time i published an animation to my profile, i was the only one who could see it.
When working with animations using the roblox character system, you should play the animation from the client, using the animator inside the humanoid. The client will create an animator for the humanoid, while the server will not.
If you are attempting to play an animation that moves the connected parts, you must connect them with a Motor6D joint, not a constraint.