Why doesn't the CFrames line up with the Keyframe Instances?

I’m trying to make an animation system for active ragdolls. I want to use the Keyframe instances found in the Animation instances (not in the AnimationTrack instances. The Animation instance is what you use to create the AnimationTrack in Animator:LoadAnimation.) Thankfully, these keyframe instances include pose instances, which include the CFrames for the parts. However, these CFrames don’t line up with the actual pose shown in the animation editor. Here’s a comparison;
What is shown in the Animation Editor
The actual Pose instance's CFrame

Why does this happen and how can I convert the CFrame back to the original CFrame?

Keep in mind this doesn’t seem to just be CFrame being weird with numbers, the active ragdoll system doesn’t seem to be picking up on this either.
Active Ragdoll pose
Expected pose

This is the only thing I found from the documentation;

Shouldn’t this still theoretically work?

I double checked the active ragdoll just in case and the active ragdoll isn’t the issue. It’s the messed up CFrame values.

so after a bit of messing around with different rotations I THINK that the orientation your seeing in the animation editor is relative to that parts local space while the orientation in the Pose instance is relative to world space. that might be why they have different values

This doesn’t seem to be the case. Moving the limb higher in the hierarchy (in the case of the arms, it would be the UpperTorso) doesn’t change the orientation of the Pose instance. Pose instances seem to be local spaced.

then i got no clue man sorry. it might have something to do with gimbal lock but i don’t fully understand gimbal lock so I’m just gunna leave it there before i embarrass myself

It might be the animation weight. While there is the idle animation playing and stuff like that or while it’s in platformsstand mode, the animation might not be strong enough to be able to play the animation normally. That’s my prediction. Now I don’t know how your script works or anything like that sooo I can’t confirm. Except that you try it your self.

Hope this helps