Why doesn't the __newindex run?

local players = game:GetService("Players")

local lobby = {}
local mt = {}
mt.__index = mt

function lobby.new(zone_model: Model)
	local self = {}
	setmetatable(self, mt)
	self.instance = zone_model
	self.level_needed = zone_model:GetAttribute("LevelNeeded")
	self.place_id = zone_model:GetAttribute("PlaceId")
	self.players = setmetatable({}, {
		__newindex = function(t, player: Player, exists: boolean)		
			if exists then
				local leave_lobby_gui = script.LeaveLobbyGUI:Clone()
				leave_lobby_gui.Parent = player.PlayerGui
					self:remove_player(player)		--> This is recursive because this function will be called, but exists boolean will be nil.
				--> This will run if the leave button is clicked, or manually called by the server.
				local leave_lobby_gui = player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("LeaveLobbyGUI")
				if leave_lobby_gui then
			rawset(t, player, exists)
			return t
	local zone_area = zone_model.Zone :: BasePart

function mt:add_player(player: Player)
	if not player then return end 				--> Checking if player exists.
	self.players[player] = true

function mt:remove_player(player: Player)
	if not player then return end 				--> Checking if player exists.
	self.players[player] = nil

return lobby

This works when Touched is fired, but inside where I remove the player from the list by clicking the button just doesn’t fire the newindex function. I’m new to metatables.

The add and remove player are easy functions.

function mt:add_player(player: Player)
	if not player then return end 				--> Checking if player exists.
	self.players[player] = true

function mt:remove_player(player: Player)
	if not player then return end 				--> Checking if player exists.
	self.players[player] = nil

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As far as I know, __newindex is not fired when you remove a value from a table by setting it to nil, you may be better off doing this:

function mt:remove_player(player: Player)
	if not player then return end --> Checking if player exists.
	self.players[player] = false

This should still work with your if exists logic, as if statements like that will go off if a value is equal to something that’s not nil or false.

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Still doesn’t work. This should print newindex, clicked, newindex

I think this doesn’t work because newindex only fires when a new index is added, not when you change it.

The only way I can think this wouldn’t work is if ‘player’ is somehow not being passed into the :remove_player function, can you print the ‘Player’ value? In addition, are they the same tables for self.players? Can you also print what’s going on in the __newindex method when it’s called?

Try moving the mt table functions above the lobby function.

Fires when table[index] tries to be set (table[index] = value), if table[index] is nil…

If you are trying to have it trigger with existing keys, you need to create a proxy table that’s empty with an __index metamethod that points to your actual table and a __newindex metamethod with your mechanism.

It will look something like this:

local players = {}

self.players = setmetatable({}, {
    __index = players,
    __newindex = function(_, player: Player, exists: boolean)
        -- instead of t table, you reference players table

Thank you. This is what I was looking for.

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