Why doesn't this magic cast script work?

local Tool = script.Parent
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Cast = Tool.Handler:WaitForChild("Cast")
local Casting = Tool.Handler:WaitForChild("Casting")

local db = false

	local Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Tool.Parent)
	local Character = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
	local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
	local Animator = Humanoid:WaitForChild("Animator")
	local CastTrack = Animator:LoadAnimation(Cast)
	CastTrack.Looped = false
	CastTrack.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action
	Humanoid.Walkspeed = 8


I literally have no idea, no errors are printed on the console.

I think you name your part in the tool handler you need to name it handle instead of handler

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