I am doing a script that woud allow me to call many functions using only one RemoteEvent. For this I am using a module script to store all my functions in a table and call them when I need with the appropriate arguments that I pass from the ServerScript. However, the code stops working in the ServerScript for some reason, just when the code is about to fire the function from the ModuleScript. Any ideas would be welcomed! I can provide more details if it is needed.
LocalScript: Firing the server when a button is pressed
local Position = "1Spawn"
RemoteEvent:FireServer("Teleport1Spawn", Position)
ServerScript: Receiving the FireServer and calling a certain function in the ModuleScript table depending on the “Argument”. Here is where the code stops working.
local module = require(ReplicatedStorage.ModuleScript)
RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, Argument, Position)
if module.Functions and module.Functions[Argument] then
module.Functions[Argument](Position) -- CODE STOPS WORKING
ModuleScript: Calls a certain function from the table based on the “Argument” (For now I have only one function “Teleport1Spawn” in the table)
local module = {}
local Players = game.Players
function module.Teleporter(Position)
for i, v in pairs(Players:GetChildren()) do
v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = Position.CFrame
module.Functions = {
["Teleport1Spawn"] = function(Position)
return module