Why doesn't this smoke bomb work?

Hello there! I am adama88766, newbie GFX artist, newbie UI designer, and newbie scripter. I need help making this smoke bomb.

I used a tutorial found here, and I followed the scripting and all.

Here is the script:

local Click = script.Parent.ClickDetector

	script.Parent.Handle.Fire.Enabled = true
	script.Parent.Handle.Smoke.Enabled = true
	script.Parent.Handle.Fire.Enabled = false
	script.Parent.Handle.Smoke.Enabled = false

Here is my workspace:

The youtube video shows that the smoke bomb falls to the ground, then you click it, and it activates. Mine won’t even fall.

Here is a GIF for an explanation:

Thanks for the help in advance!

Oops, lemme redo that.


I watched the video and the reason why you cannot drop it is because you are clicking the wrong button. You need to click delete when the tool is equip to drop the tool. Then it should work.


Thanks so much! That solved it.

Wait. @CraftedBinary @PepperGV3, do you know how to make it so that it drops where and when you click somewhere? And that the canister disappears and you can’t pick the tool up anymore? When the canister disappears I want the smoke to still go on for 60 seconds.